Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Adam Lambert's New Album Cover Is Extra Fabulous

Doesn't Adam look loverly on the cover of his new album? It's so very glamorous, the flossy flossy. My favorite part is the blue and black hair, but the tasteful gauged sparkle earrings and the chains hanging from the fingerless gloves are also very prettiful. I also rather enjoy the outerspace background, Chart Rigger notes it's possibly a tribute to Blake Lewis's first album. Damn all these beautiful girls...

Also: is he naked? If so... mmmmmmmmmmmm.....


Anonymous said...

I don't think he's as much naked as he is literally formed from the stars which have infused him an an inner glitter, or "glinner" if you will, that have turned him into a half-mortal, half-celestial being.

And I'm lovin' the eyeshadow btw.

C. Paul Keller said...

He has come from the planet Fierce, so perhaps they are all made of stars ala Moby's song.