Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Soundtrack Of The Day: "All In Favor Demo" - Amber Tamblyn

After seeing her in The Ring and Joan Of Arcadia, I never realized that Amber Tamblyn was both funny and political. But after her amusing prank email exchange with a confused Tyrese (who thought she was erstwhile Kanye flame/model/wannabe rapper Amber Rose) was posted to her Facebook page it's the tracks she was goofing around with that are replaying in my head.

Especially her Feminist anthem "All In Favor" - the line "it is now illegal to think of me topless/to keep your lotion where your socks is" is still stuck in my conciousness. All in favor of AmTam getting a record contract, say aye...


Anonymous said...

I gained a whole new level of respect for her after this (and confirmed what I already thought of Tyrese, not too bright knowwhatImsayin).

C. Paul Keller said...

Ditto! The whole prank was somewhat subversive but then to make the tracks all hardcore angry feminist ranks was hysterical and brilliant. Tyrese will hopefully think twice before he tries implying a "fuck for tracks" tradeoff.