Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trashy Thursdays: "Invisible" - Clay Aiken

Trashy Thursdays will be happening every Thursday and will feature the trashy pop songs I kinda love. Don't get it twisted, I think pop music is an art form. But like all art, there are brilliant artistic works that are fresh and dynamic and new as well as less inspired pieces of art. Sometimes those less inspired bits are as much fun as the "good" stuff, that's why we're getting trashy!

Oh, Clay Aiken! Very few Idol contestants have been the source of such swirling controversy as the one-time red-headed geek with the voice of an angel. From the rumors, since confirmed, that he was homosexual to the rumors, still unconfirmed, that he was a backstage diva, Clay was once beloved by housewives and is still a great source of humor for Kathy Griffin.

I missed the first two seasons of American Idol, so never caught the epic battle between Clay and Reuben. But Clay's lone radio hit, "Invisible" was a totally horrible and semi-creepy jam. I loved every bit if it's sugar-coated stalker-ness and it's pre-Fall Out Boy emo-ness. The tale of an unrequited crush is nothing new, but Clay takes it to super hero heights when he wishes he could be invisible so he could watch his crush in their room. Yeah, creepy! The video is total shit, and the song is pure cheese but Aiken sells that shit! His enthusiasm for stalking this person is infectious. And that's what makes it so totally trashy.


Lucky said...

WOW! A fabulous video! I loved it. Trashy? Maybe, but I LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone trash Invisible as stalkerish? Stings Every Breath You Take totally grosses me out and has always given me the creeps.

C. Paul Keller said...

It is very trashy, but that's what makes it fabulous! And I also found "Every Breath You Take" to be one of my creepiest love songs last March. (read all about it here:

Anonymous said...

Actually Kathy Griffin hasn't made a joke about Clay since he came out.