Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trashy Thursday: Chris Crocker - "Freak Of Nature"

Trashy Thursdays will be happening every Thursday and will feature the trashy pop songs I kinda love. Don't get it twisted, I think pop music is an art form. But like all art, there are brilliant artistic works that are fresh and dynamic and new as well as less inspired pieces of art. Sometimes those less inspired bits are as much fun as the "good" stuff, that's why we're getting trashy!

Remember when a extremely distraught teenage twink told us all to "LEEEEEEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!"? I do. Chris Crocker was an web superstar, even before then, and he's released a few singles along the way. Like all interweb personalities tend to do (see also Tila Tequila.) He has a new single called "Freak Of Nature" and the video is freaky. Probably not safe for work, but worth watching at home...

Chris Crocker - Freak of Nature OFFICIAL (uncensored) MUSIC VIDEO!! from chris crocker on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

While it's not as catchy as "Mind in the Gutter," I def feel like I need to take some mind Penicillin after listening to that! Thanks!

C. Paul Keller said...

You're welcome? LOL It's pretty naughty.