Monday, June 1, 2009

VIDEO: What Made Kanye And Rihanna Get So "Paranoid"?

Kanye has never made a boring video. From the anime-inspired clip for "Stronger" to the hilarious "New Workout Plan" starring Anna Nicole Smith, he's made a career out of taking risks in both the studio and in front of the camera. He may have an inflated ego, but he almost deserves it.

Now, Mr. West has dropped the fourth single from his epic 808s & Heartbreak album. "Paranoid" features Mr. Hudson, but it's Barbados-born pop star Rihanna that stars in the new clip. In some stunning lingerie and gowns, the always beautiful Rihanna makes a triumphant return to pop performance after her recent assault, allegedly at the hands of her then-boyfriend Chris Brown.

In the video, Rihanna doesn't have a whole lot to do, just pose a lot and drive a car around looking really hot. She does both well. Watch here.


Anonymous said...

Saw it recently too and loved it, although it's not what I would have done with the song. That being said, the end bit with her driving the car in B&W makes me want someone to cast Rihanna in a Hitchcockian thriller IMMEDIATELY! Face face face!

Also, I don't know what a Twitter is or how to do it but that last one describing your date needs elaboration! If that is more of a hunched over in the V.I.P. section conversation with our hands blocking our words, just let me know....

C. Paul Keller said...

Junior! I know, it seems like a random video concept. But Ri looks HAWT and that scene in the car was feirce. I'm kinda jealous of her skany lingerie in that screen cap, too.

Oh, meet me in the VIP section. I will dish as much as you want to hear. Be warned, the tale would make Hugh Hefner blush. (PS: The VIP section will be in your email inbox in a hot minute or two.)