Sunday, March 23, 2008

My first post at Blogger!

OK, so I decided it was time to create a real blog, I've been blogging on my MySpace profile for about a year now. If you want to check out those archived blog postings, go here.
I blog about music mostly, I review CDs and singles, rant about songs I don't like, recap American Idol and I just finished a series on my top ten favorite songs of all time. I also have a weekly series called "5 Songs On Shuffle" where I put my iTunes on shuffle, and blog about the first five songs that come up. Some pretty random shit comes up, you'll find I love all kinds of music.
I also discuss movies, TV and books. I sometimes write about work, family, friends and other personal stuff, in fact my last two posts on the MySpace blog have been of a personal nature, but I usually stick to pop culture goodness. I usually post at least a couple times a week, it all depends on my work schedule. And if there is anything good to blog about.
And if you are wondering where the title for my blog came from, it's based on a quote from one of my favorite books of all time, Alice In Wonderland. In the first chapter, Alice peek into her sister's book and see there are no pictures or conversations. "'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?'" So here they are, Alice's missing pictures and conversations sprung fresh from the deranged mind of a man who has too much time on his hands.

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