Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol Recap - Songs From The Year You Were Born

OK, kids, I know I'm late! I had a doctor appointment this morning. Further aggrivation: I had to watch the whole episode on YouTube, 'cause my VCR went evil on me and didn't tape. So I missed a lot of the "patter" which was fine by me! So if I missed Ryan and Simon making out, sorry. I'm sure they there'll be plenty more HoYay! where that came from. In other AI news, Josiah Lemming, he who lived in the car and then bombed on "Stand By Me" during Hollywood week, has a record deal with Warner in the works, per Yahoo Music. Good for him, he was super emo so I'm sure he'll have a hit or two. Thanks Aunt Deb for the tip!

Moving right friggin' along with last nights epi. This theme is always one of my favorites, songs from the year you were born. It's always cool to hear them take on a song as old as they are. Let's see how our Idols did:

First up is sweet lil' Ramiele Malubay butchering Heart's "Alone" like it cut her gramma. Sharp and shouty in parts, plus Carrie Underwood done went and brought it in season four. It draws the comparison you don't want drawn, and that is: Ramiele < Carrie. For reals, yo! And I'm sick of the baby talk, you're short not an infant. "My voice went bye-bye" indeed. I think this is the week she goes home. Sorry girl, I used to love ya!

I'm getting the munchies just thinking about Jason Castro toking up some boring Sting song I never heard of. "Fragile" I hear it's called, if you really care. I'm pretty sure you don't. It seemed like a open mike night kind of performance, adequete to get you laid, but not a record deal. Which makes it aaaaawwwwwww good, man. Pass the Sun Chips.

OK, I only know the Alicia Keys version of "If I Was Your Woman" and Syesha Mercado didn't make me want to hunt down any other version. She's just so boring, I don't get it. She was good, I'll give her that, but that song was just a little slow and her vocals not that exciting. Once again, boring. Bottom three for sure.

Oh Chikeize, you drank the boring Kool-Aid too? I don't know this "If Only For One Night" song, all I could hear was "One Night Only" from Dreamgirls. I was surprised, usually he has this strong Luther Vandross sound to his voice on these R&B jams, but this time his vocals were even boring. I keep getting boring! I want exciting!

My homegirl Brooke White is going to bring the drama with a moody piano take on "Every Breath You Take" right? Right? No? Boo! The opening was OK, but she didn't have enough menace in her voice for the lyrics and when the band kicked in, it went cheesy real quick. It was better than last week, but I hope we haven't seen Brooke peak already. She can do magical things behind that piano, I hope she brings it next week.

Wow, Michael Johns should join a Queen cover band already and just get it over with. Apparently he can only impress when doing those songs. I still think he sounds like a really good singer doing kareoke, but it was finally an enjoyable performance after the last five boring ones. And kudos for doing both "We Are The Champions" and "We Will Rock You," since I thought they were the same song when I was a kid.

Carly Smithson needs help picking the right songs. This was not the right song. "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" is a fucking amazing song, but she was shouty in parts and just didn't fit well with her. I was pulling for a great performance after last week's good one put her in the bottom three, but I think there were enough sucktacular ones to keep her out this week. I don't know, though.

Don't you just love the awkward banter Ryan sometimes pulls out of his ass? Poor D. Arch, the boy was clearly put on the spot with the whole prom line of questioning, but he is really adorable when nervous. And all the rest of the time. But the singing, again not so great this week. He seemed hoarse at the beginning and the arrangment was lackluster. I just listened to both KT Tunstall and Rebecca St. James covers of this song in past week and they were much better. RSJ was about a year older than David when she covered it on God, so it's not an age thing. It just didn't work for him. He should've done "Everything I Do" like I suggested. But he's not touching bottom three for another three or four weeks, I would put money on it.

Kristy Lee Cook, you cunning little bitch! You knew you were in trouble this week, it was clearly your turn to go so you get all patriotic with a little "God Bless The USA" and bam, instant save. I applaud your skill at playing America, as much as I despise you for doing it. Shrewd, clever, almost Bond villian worthy. Plus you sang halfway decent and kept the awkward eye movement to a minimum. It makes it hard to hate you anymore.

And let's close the night with my boyfriend, David Cook, and his cover of Chris Cornell's cover of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. Yeah, he steals his cover ideas, who gives a shit? Not the horny boys and girls of America, that's for sure. He just exudes rock star confidence, charisma and hotness, and he sings well. Not shouting like a lot of rockers, or screaming. Plus he's got the most kissable lips.

So, boring night, huh? Clearly Ramiele should go home, and I'm pretty sure she will. Joining her in bottom three land will be Chikieze and Syesha. With a possible Carly spoiler, who knows after last week?

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