Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Remember This Name: Aung San Suu Kyi

No, Aung San Suu Kyi is not a rising pop star or the name of a quirky indie comedy set in Asia.

You can read her story here, she's a Noble Peace Prize recipent from Burma who is imprisoned for speaking out against the ruthless 19-year long regime who use child solidiers as young as 10 years old to fight their battles. (My cousin Sarah is that little!) The dictatorship implements systematic rape, ethnic cleansing and labor camps. Than Shwe even prevented the aid needed to recover from the recent cyclone from reaching his own people. Remember that name too, this man is pure evil. Juno's Ellen Page breaks it down below. Remember: Burma can't wait. Neither should you. Speak out! Spread the word! People are dying!

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