Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Review: Jay Brannan - "Goddamned"

"I wish my songs didn't suck" out actor/singer Jay Brannan sings on "A Death Waltz" and it seems his wish was granted. If Nickel Creek was fronted by a leather daddy, you would probably get Jay's blend of folksy acoustic guitar tunes with introspective, parental-advisory-sticker-worthy lyrics. From the deceptively sunny love song "At First Sight" to the wistful "Housewife" to the angry anti-religion diatribe of the title track, you get a glimpse into the psyche of the modern gay man. Both horny and romantic, informed by show tunes but not required to perform them in drag, not a modern minstrel show of "fablousness" but real lives and loves poured out in catchy four-minute story-songs. This is gay music for the coffee-house crowd.

Preview tracks at his MySpace and YouTube channel. Ignore his obvious hotness, and just listen. You'll get more out of it that way. ;)

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