Friday, October 24, 2008

Chelsea Handler (and her little nugget) Vote No On Prop 8

Y'all know I don't get political on the blog, right? I wrote about politics for two years, and I'm not interested in doing it again. But sometimes there is a perfect storm of worthy political topic, funny celeb and YouTube video, and that's when I will post something about politics.

California legalized same sex marriage earlier this year, and of course the Mormons and various other right wing groups are up in arms over it. I'm a conservative person, but this is one place I differ from my Republican upbringing. People should be allowed to get married, it's just common decency. No one is asking for the right to have underage butt-sex under an American flag on the Capital steps, it's about making the same legal commitment that straights can make. Perhaps I should allow the very funny Chelsea Handler to explain:

I still think shorties should be shipped off to "Scared Tall" camps, but Miss Chelsea does have a point. Now I'm hungry for a spicy chicken taco...

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