Monday, October 27, 2008

Read This! "Skim" by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki

I always feel the need to preface any talk about graphic novels and comics with a comment like "I don't really get into graphic novels, but..." I don't know why, I guess I don't want to act like I know anything about comics when all I've done is read a couple. I don't really get into superhero books or series, but I've been picking up and reading a lot of more literary titles at the library. I read a graphic novel version of "The Merchant Of Venice" a few months ago, I sat at the library and read this cute one about a guy who lives in California and his girlfriend lives in Puerto Rico. I don't remember the title, but it was really sweet.

I just finished a book called "Skim" over the weekend. It took me only two lunch breaks to read, that's one of the advantages to graphic novels. Written by Mariko Tamaki and drawn by her cousin Jillian, "Skim" follows the titular Canadian student as she navigates a high school shattered by the suicide of a classmates' ex. The cool girls try to "help" Katie, the victim's ex girlfriend, but only succeed in make her feel worse. Skim has her own troubles; her best friend is getting interested in boys and popularity instead of the Wicca and tarot cards that used to interest them. Then she finds herself falling for her teacher, Ms. Archer. New relationships make things complicate, old friendships are shattered and while some secrets are revealed, others stay where they should.

Changes are a part of every one's teenage years, and cousins Mariko and Jillian create an artistically pleasing story that will resonate with youth everywhere. Even if you are not into graphic novels, you should consider reading "Skim."

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