Sunday, January 4, 2009

It Was Just What I Needed...

I almost missed church this morning, my alarm didn't go off. So I jump out of bed, with like 15 minutes to shower and dress before leaving. I made it with time to spare, because I'm that damn good! And I was so glad I did.

Rev. Delores Berry was the guest speaker, and she... was... amazing. Deep down, I'm old school gay, so I love a big ol' soulful black lady! She preached and sang and read scripture and generally brought the spirit. She told of her time of being bed-ridden after falling in the shower, and how God was there. How God is always there, always catching us even when we don't see or feel it. Then she sang this wonderful Avalon song "Orphans Of God" and almost had me in tears. God loves us, flaws and all. We all have our sins, but there are no orphans of God. She had a special prayer moment with me, and she really does have a gift. I never felt so loved by God in my life. He knows me, he made me this way. A white man-boy, pudgy and gay and in love with knowledge and music. Always with questions and never satisfied with the stock answers. In search of proof, not just feelings, and hungry for love and a family. He made me like this, he loves me like this. Hallelujah! There are no orphans of God!


Anonymous said...

---" A white man-boy, pudgy and gay and in love with knowledge and music. Always with questions and never satisfied with the stock answers. In search of proof, not just feelings, and hungry for love and a family."---
and so much like your daddy! (except for the gay part) I love you sweetie!!!!
Love, Mom

C. Paul Keller said...

Oh, Mommy! I love you too. Thank you...