Friday, December 5, 2008

Lily Allen's New Video Is A Weapon Of Massive Consumption

Maybe Lily isn't pissed that her boyfriend was fucking that girl next door any more, she may not be rocking that white grrl ska-lite sound either and I also noticed the absence of sneakers paired with party dresses. But she's still cheeky as hell!

"The Fear" sounds like a lost Tears For Fears track given an electro sheen. It's an organic techno sound, which I think is the vibe Goldfrapp and Alanis Morissette were going for on their albums this year. Lily Allen nails it, while retaining that lyrical smarminess mixed with the modern girl's fears that colored Alright, Still. She's on the hunt for fame, money and "fuckloads of diamonds" but she's lost touch with her emotions. She tries to tell us she doesn't care, "cause I'm packing plastic, that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic" and "everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner" but the chorus betrays the emotional punch: "When do you think it'll all become clear? 'Cause I'm being taken over by the fear."
Watch, via ElectroQueer:

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