Wednesday, April 16, 2008

American Idol Recap - Mariah Carey Week

Mariah Carey as mentor? Hotness! Mariah Carey songs? I was less enthused about that, but the fact the boys turned out the best performances proves MC know how to write and pick a great pop song. Plus you know I have an affinity for guys doing girls songs (Artic Monkeys covering Amy Winehouse, Daniel Rossen covering JoJo, Of Montreal covering M.I.A. and every shitty YouTube cover of "Straight Up") So how did the Idols do covering the legendary Mimi?

I knew D. Archie would do "When You Believe" like any good Mormon boy should. He's so focused on saving the world through song, how can anyone fault him? This song is from the "Prince Of Egypt" soundtrack, it was a divariffic duet between Mariah and Whitney. And the fact lil' Archie could almost hold his own with that song is astonishing. It was good, not amazing.

Carly Smithson needs to hire a new stylist. Black hose with black shoes and dress? Girl, any gay could have told you no on that ensemble. Her vocals were strong on "Without You" but something was off. I can never quite put my finger on it, but she just never quite gets there with her songs. I want to like her, but she keeps making it so hard to do.

I loved the runs at the end, Syesha! But I'm still missing that emotional connection. I don't know "Vanishing" and it doesn't sound like my kind of song, I enjoyed parts of it, but I think this is the final week for you.

"Hero" is the song that Brooke White had to do. It was the only one that fit her well enough. And while Brooke doing her thing on the piano is always a good thing, this wasn't as amazing as it could have been. I think a choir at the end, or maybe some strings, could have made it better. But any female artist doing Mariah is going to suffer in comparison so can't hate too much. It was a very "Brooke" performance, but I don't think she can win that way.

Paula is right. Kristy Lee Cook could have a country hit with her version of "Forever" but her vocals seemed weak in spots. It ended well, but I still have a raging hate-on for her.

You know I love David Cook, right? You know I will have his children, right? You didn't think I could love him more, right? Wrong! I FRIGGIN' LOVE HIS VERSION OF "ALWAYS BE MY BABY" WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING! It was emotional, beautiful, it rocked like a real rock song, it was the best performance on Idol since Fantasia did "Summertime" in season three. Stunning! He will win, he must win, he makes me horny. Um, I mean, he's really talented.

Jason Castro is always just so chill. He's so real, he's just a pothead with a guitar just pouring out his soul with an earnest cover of "I Don't Want To Cry." It seemed like he wrote it in his bedroom after a breakup, not like a cover of a diva song. It was really a special moment.

I think bottom three will be all chicas. Kristy, Syesha and Carly with Syesha going home. I'm not saying the possibility of Carly leaving or Brooke being in the bottom doesn't exist, those are both very real possibilities. We'll see tonight. Oh, and I highly recommend Mariah's new E=MC2, it's pretty hot.

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