Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Madonna Video - "4 Minutes"

OK, new Madonna video, probably won't be on the internets very long. It's awesome, like a Madonna video should be. It's kind of strange, Madonna and Justin Timberlake are walking through these sets with people eating and shopping and making out and stuff. And this strange darkness is following them. And it eats the people. Only not like they disappear, it's like a cross cut action, like from a science class or dentist office. Seriously strange. Ooh! And Madonna and Justin totally like almost kiss twice! But the S&M theme I'd heard about is gone, which makes me sad 'cause I was hoping for some Justin in a leather harness and Madonna whipping him. But it's still friggin' awesome, except the dancing could have been better. I still love it! Oh, and Madge is looking so fine! The hair is on fire and the bod is smoking!

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