Thursday, May 7, 2009

Judging An Album By It's Cover

In hopes of staving off my desire to hunt down and post the new Paula Abdul single, I'm giving you something a little less flashy. New albums from Regina Spektor, Paulo Nutini and Patrick Wolf come out in next month or two, and the cover art is leaking. New music from the Soviet Kitschy one, not so much... Here are the covers and the anticipation levels they create:

Regina Spektor: Far - This cartoony artwork is pretty cool, the blank wall that is seen outside the window stands in contrast to the puffy white clouds on the piano. A metaphor for music as a window to better place? Perhaps. I just wish some quirky new single was leaking soon. I need some fresh Regina in my life, Narnia soundtrack songs and Ben Folds collabos are not enough! The artwork makes me hope for some dreamy soundscapes and lots of piano. Anticipation: four out of five Heinz Bottles.

Paolo Nutini - Sunny Side Up: This cover is also a bit animated, and the Jason Mraz-esque hat and singing ants are cute. I'm just worried that it's a little too cute, I want another torchy "Last Request" just as much as another "New Shoes." Also, I've heard snippets of lead single "Candy" and I'm a bit worried Paolo is going down a 1960s folkie route that I will hate. This cover doesn't bolster my hopes much. Anticipation: two out of five Heinz bottles.

Patrick Wolf: The Bachelor - This scene looks like a Photoshop student's homage to sci-fi pulp novel covers. The font seems at odds with the photo, but all-in-all it reminds me of Bat For Lashes cover for Two Suns. And that disc is burning up my players. I'm digging the outfit Pat is sporting, like he's the lead in a production of Little Lord Fauntleroy set in the year 2999. Future/retro is hot right now... Anticipation: three out of five Heinz bottles.

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