Monday, May 11, 2009

Let's Kick Off Ten Days Of American Idol Insanity!

I have decided there is one topic that I will never tire of discussing: hot guys. OK, two topics: hot guys and AMERICAN IDOL! It's only the best show ever in the history of television, both domestic and foreign. (Slight hyperbole, but only slight.) If I can pull it off, I will have a new post about the show every day between now and the day we crown our lord and master The Glambert as inheritor of the crown worn by Kelly, Reuben, Fantasia, Carrie, Taylor, Jordin and my beloved Cookie. And yes, I just typed every Idol winner from memory, without even thinking. Don't judge me!

So, to start off this Idol journey together, I would like to give props to my fellow Idol maniacs. They are my heroes, if they can get jobs writing about the Arch Angels vs Cook's Cougars and fanwanking over Nadia Turner, maybe I can too. Hey, a boy can dream...

Jacob at Television Without Pity: When I started reading TWoP back during the first season of Joan Of Arcadia, I didn't know how bad my obsession with Idol, or with Jacob's and Joe R's recaps of the show, would become. It was like finding lost brothers who almost always shared the same opinions on the contestants as I had, and weren't afraid to bash, snark and curse their way through multiple pages of hilarity. But Jacob's recaps (he is currently the only recapper for the show his season) sometimes went on these delightfully philosophical tangents, discussing the third wave feminism in "Just A Girl" or the way Blake Lewis relates to birds that imitate car alarms. (He did the same thing on Ugly Betty, until he felt the show made Betty into an hateful shrew and made women who are successful at work a bad thing.) I can't even read the recaps until after I've written my own, his are so inspiring I want to steal half his lines. Read here.

Micheal Slezak & Kristen Baldwin at Entertainment Weekly's Idolatry: Micheal Slezak is as big an Idol freak as I am, probably even more so. He hosts the Idolatry videos on EW's site, often with Kristen, as well as recaps the show there. I just started tuning into Idolatry this season, and even if the vlogs just featured the intensely opinionated hosts really ripping into Danny Gokey and desperately trying to Save the Rocker, I would be hooked. But add in some really great editing, using doctored clips from random sources like Wonder Woman, Run, Lola, Run and Lord Of The Rings and allowing a cat fight between Gokey fan Kristen With Glasses and Gokey h8er Kristen, and you have a completely engrossing video series that even casual Idol watchers would love. Read/watch here.

The gang at Foxes On Idol: When I first started watching American Idol in season three (AKA the Diva Showdown season) I didn't realize that there were others like me. Others who obsessively judged, ranked and discussed the show. Thank Diana (DeGarmo, not the ancient goddess of love) I stumbled on the cleverly named Foxes On Idol (the original official Idol website was called, hence the punny name) and I knew I was home. These people have memories like elephants, and they have them full of Idol worship. Read here.

Rickey at I have no idea who Rickey is, I don't know how or why he started his own website and then dedicated it to Idol coverage. But he really is the most comprehensive source on the web for Idol gossip, chatter, MP3s, album news and anything related to anybody who ever graced the Idol stages. Read here.

The Jaded Insider at Billboard: He doesn't agree with me as often as the other online writers, but I like to get a different perspective on the performances. Plus, the posts are far more succinct than Jacob or the Idolatry gang, so I can take the pulse public opinion even when I'm in a hurry. Read here.

Along the way, I have also enjoyed AfterElton's coverage, including a hilarious (now defunct) vlog featuring former Idol contestant Jim Verraros. And Best Week Ever, The Soup and TV Guide Channel bring the funny into my ultra serious TV addiction.

Anyway, these are the Idol fans who make me feel like my OCD freak out that one time Idol didn't tape (my friend Anna lives in fear that it will happen again) is perfectly normal. It's not, I know that. And the fact I keep a notebook full of the voting phone numbers and my notes on the performances from the last four seasons isn't really healthy, either. But I have an addictive personality so it's either Idol or crack, and crack kills.

Speaking of Idol, stay tuned all week and into the next for more talk about the hot men, hot performances, hot albums, hot singles and hot shit that goes down on America's Number One Show. This... is Ten Days Of Idol Insanity.

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