Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ten Days Of Idol Insanity: My Danny/Adam Fanfic!

For those of you unaware, Fanfic is a genre of amateur writings focusing on established characters from TV, film, comics and other areas of pop culture. While writing sequels and variations on someone else's work is a tale as old as fiction, in the 1960s a boom of Star Trek related fanfic ushered the modern wave of sci-fi/fantasy and with the birth of the internet it's become more and more widespread, no longer resigned to mimeographed fan zines. A special branch of fanfic is slash fiction, fiction stories that focus on homosexual relationships between male characters. It can be downright pornographic, and even frighteningly disturbing -especially the Harry Potter slash fiction. While some still hold to the "gay only" rule, some latched onto the straight slash category.

I experimented with Narnia and Pilgrim's Progress fanfic when I was a kid without even knowing there was a name for it. A few years ago I attempted a real person slash fic about a famous acting/writing duo from Boston, and the one gentleman's girlfriend from the block. It was kind funny and really dirty. I'm pretty sure it was also anatomically impossible. It will never see the light of day, if I even still have it around.

Well, for Ten Days Of Idol Insanity I thought I'd try a real person slash fic, only a "no lemon" one because this blog would never go NSFW on y'all's asses. Also, for the record: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT AT ALL BASED ON FACT. NO HARM WAS MEANT BY THIS WORK OF FICTION AND IT WILL BE REMOVED UPON REQUEST. Please to enjoy:

Whole Lotta Love: A Danny/Adam SlashFic

Adam stepped gingerly out of the shower. With a deft motion, he grabbed a towel and tightly wrapped it around his lean waist. As he ran a comb through his hair, he inspected his face. Without the ever-present eye makeup and styled hair, he still had an otherworldly quality. His dark eyes were even more piercing without the liner.

As he walked the hallway back to his room, hoping Kris wasn't sleeping yet so they could chat about the day's performances, he heard a familiar sound coming from Danny's bedroom. He hadn't heard the sniffling and squelched noises of someone trying to hold back sobs in some time. Over the first few week it was a daily occurrence, but Adam assumed it had stopped for the time being.

Adam paused before he passed the door that hid the sobs. The first few times he heard Danny, he shrugged it off as more attention-grabbing theatrics from the grieving widower. Over the weeks Danny had become more human to him, even likable. He knew that behind the smug looks and self-satisfied clapping after each performance was a very lonely young man.

While he thought he understood Danny's emotional state, Adam was still reluctant to get involved. Would he understand that any attempt to be friendly was just a platonic move? Danny seemed uneasy around him ever since the first time he mentioned an ex-boyfriend, and what more could he expect from a church music director? Ever since then, Adam had avoided being alone with Danny, out of respect for his uneasiness as well as more self-preserving motives.

But Adam also understood the widower's heartache. He'd been through the wringer, love had done a number on his heart, too. And he wondered if Danny had felt a resurgence of painful emotions thanks to the tanking of his Aerosmith performance earlier that evening. "Poor Danny, I don't think he's ever sounded that bad," Allison had whispered to Adam during after their duet.

So he took a breath, repeated a brief mantra and knocked on the door. He could hear a soft "Come in" and Danny shifting on the sheets.

Adam pushed the door open. The room was dark but the light from the hall was enough to reveal red-rimmed eyes, no longer covered by dark-framed glasses. Adam hesitated. Why did I have to be a hero? I don't know what to say to him, he thought with a gulp. Too late, just say something.

"Are you OK?"
The words dropped into the air, sounding at once insincere and weak.

"I'm fine, just go put on some clothes."

"Oh, sorry. I was walking back from the shower and heard you... well... I heard something."

"I was crying. OK? Got a problem with men showing emotion?" Danny spat.

"Whoa, I didn't mean to offend. I just though you might need to talk about it. I understand more than you might think," Adam said. He attempted to hide the annoyance in his voice, Danny was hurting and embarrassed. Cut him some slack, Lambert.

"Yeah, maybe you would."

Danny motioned to empty bed across from where he was sitting. Adam tried to keep himself covered as he walked over to the spot. Damn, I wish I had put on some clothes before I dropped in on Joe Homophobe here.

"Danny, what's wrong? I mean, I could guess. But it always helps to say it out loud."
"Yeah, I'm sure you could guess. I tried to be everything you are tonight. I tried to be powerful and exciting and just tackle that song with gusto. I wanted that audience frenzy you get."

"But you do have the audience behind you..."

"Yeah, but you! Kara called you a rock god. I wanted, just for one moment to beat you at your own game. I guess maybe I can't," he sputtered as he flopped back onto the bed.

"Danny. Danny," Adam leaned forward and tapped the other man's knee, "sit up. Look at me. You may not be me, but I could never be you. You do have a gift. Every singer has their own special music, just embrace that."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I still had..." he trailed off as tears welled up again.

"You miss her don't you?"

"Her? Yeah, I miss Sophia. I couldn't have become the man I am today without her. I loved her."

Adam looked at Danny. He was puzzled. He sounded like he was describing a teacher, or a favorite aunt. The tone in his voice didn't match the intense emotion that poured from his eyes.

"And I'm sure you wish your friend Jamar was here, he could do a better job comforting you right now," Adam said quietly.

"I miss him. I do. God, I had know idea how hard it would be. How do you survive without the man you... your best friend."

"Danny. Don't play games with me. You're in love with him, aren't you?"

"You're sick! Get out of my room. I'm not gay, I'm not like you! Leave!" Danny stood up and grabbed Adam by the arm.

"Don't grab me, I'll go. Just do one thing for me. Think back to the moments you've shared with Jamar, think back to the moments just now. You weren't crying about your song, or your wife or the stress of being here. You are crying because you can't imagine staying here any longer, without the man you have come to love. It's OK. I know exactly the kind of tears you are shedding." Adam gulp as Danny paused for a moment. "Just remember. Whether you go home tomorrow night as a top three member or get eliminated, you still get to go home. Go to him. Tell him what you are feeling. Don't be surprised, he may feel the same way."

A million emotions flashed on Danny's face. Anger, relief, sadness, fear and just briefly, genuine joy before a hard look came over his eyes.

"Get out."

Almost a week later, the three men returned from their fast paced trips home. Adam attempted to avoid Danny, but unpacking in the corner of his room he couldn't avoid the Milwaukee returnee.

"So, did you enjoy going home?" Adam said a smoothly as possible.

"Don't act like you didn't see it. It's all over the internet, the videos of me losing the words to 'Billie Jean'. It's all your fault, too."

"What, how?"

"You put the idea in my head. You, with your words. You distracted me from the goal, from the show. You made me think it was possible, to be happy. And I couldn't wait to see him." Once more, the tears poured out of his eyes. "It wasn't. He looked at me like I was sick. He said he loved me, but not like that. And he'll pray for me to get over it, my 'pain and loss that warped my mind.' Yeah, that's what he called it."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would go so badly. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"It's OK. I feel free. I told the truth, and the truth will set you free. That's in the Bible."

"I know. I just wish truth didn't hurt so much on the way on the way to freedom. But you are so strong, Danny. You'll make it." He took Danny's hand in a firm squeeze.

"Thanks. I just wish I could see Sophia one more time, tell her I found love again. Tell her I'm gonna be OK."

Adam looked Danny right in the eye.

"You will be OK."

"I know."

Danny looked right back and pushed his lips against Adam's. Adam was taken aback but, after freezing for a split second, he kissed him back.

So kids, what'd ya think? Is the most awful piece of Idol-related trash since Taylor Hick's first single? Or did it make you cry? Or maybe laugh uproariously? Tell me all about it in the comments...

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