Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ten Days Of Idol Insanity: Canadian Idol Theo Tams Is Hot & Out!

The Idol shows are a world-wide phenomenom, over twenty-five countries/regions have their own variation on the original UK Pop Idol show, which itself only lasted two seasons. Canada has it's own version, and the most recent winner is Theo Tams. He's a real cutie, and his personal story just screams "Oprah special episode." He came out on the show, something no American Idol has ever done.

The first single from his debut album is called "Lazy Lovers" and it has a very cool Howie Day kinda poppy singer/songwriter vibe. He plays the piano in the video, which is so very hot. The video also features various family/couple units in rain-drenched taxis, including a super cute gay couple. Yay, visability! Watch below:


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I'd like to suggest that if you enjoy the song and the video, you look it up on YouTube and post comments on it there as well for Theo to see. (He posted the video on his YouTube channel.)

C. Paul Keller said...

I saw it first on the YouTube, but it wasn't embeddable. The link is if anyone wants to comment it...